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The 5th. String Juice Co.
Our mission is to create the finest e-liquid available, in the most interesting and enjoyable flavors...while keeping our customers happy and satisfied with our product.

Back Story:
Born out of the desire to find the perfect e-liquid, perfection in all flavors became our ultimate goal. We hope you like our product, and appreciate the hard work put into each batch. The flavor that started it all, Strawberry Kiwi, our flagship flavor, took more than 9 months to perfect, and has become our highest seller. Each batch of our e-liquid is mixed by weight instead of volume, ensuring accuracy among all batches…This way, your first bottle is just as flavorful as your next.

Company description:
We are a small, but growing, family owned juice making company. We mix in batches of less than 500ml per batch to ensure accuracy and quality in flavor. Each batch is hand crafted and hand bottled. Even the labels are put on by hand. The flavors we use are chosen specifically for how well they play off of each other and how good they taste.  

We chose flavors from manufacturers such as Flavor West, The Flavor Apprentice, FlavourArt, and Capella. These are the finest in natural and artificial flavorings available today."